[TowerTalk] feeding a Rohn45 rotating tower.

Larry Emery k1uo@banet.net
Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:11:33 -0400

HELP!!  I have a 150ft  Rohn45 rotating tower with only a small 6 meter
beam and a Cushcraft 40 meter antenna at the top. The lower 40 feet is
fixed and everything above rotates. All guy levels (3) are broken up
with insuators every 27ft with the set closest to the tower about 5ft
from each tower leg.  I have been experimenting blindly for at least 4
days, trying to determine where the tower resonates and or where the 50
ohm point is by using the only means I have available...An borrowed
MFJ-259 analyzer.  I dont have many radials on the tower at this point.
I have 3 fifteen foot 5/8 in copper ground rods at the tower base and
each is individually connected to its correcsponding tower leg.  The
ground rods are not all bonded together with a solid #2 wire cadwelded
to them yet, but will be..  At the moment I have 5  139 foot radials.
I have tried a shunt wire at various heights up to 40 feet and distances
from the tower up to 4 feet but nothing seems to make any difference.  I
have connected to the shunt wire direct and through an 800pf cap..
Most likely I just don't know what I'm looking for!!
Any hints rather than "GIVE IT UP".


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