[TowerTalk] from w5asp@aol.com

Mchael D. Ihry mihry@argontech.net
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 17:38:44 -0500

A while back I posted a note to the Reflector asking about this
problem.  A
number of of you replied with some very good suggestions.
though the problem has been somewhat reduced, it's still there.

Here's a summary of how things stand at this point.


 The noise problem in my 1999 model Ford pick-up truck is coming from
 something in the electrical/computer control system on the Power stroke

 diesel engine.

 The noise is on forty meters but not really present on eighty meters.
 varies with the amount of acceleration, and drops off when you let off
 on the accelerator. We have completely removed the alternator and the
 is still there exactly as before.

 I have disconnected the Icom 706 MKIIG from the power cable going to
 truck battery and put it on a portable battery pack on the seat next to
 and the noise is still there.

 When I disconnect the mobile antenna completely from the rig the noise
 goes away. The noise sounds exactly like bacon frying in a frying pan
 obscures all signals below S-7. I have not yet taken my portable
 receiver with a wire antenna on it as a probe and moved it around under
 hood to attempt to get a fix on the exact location of the noise around
 engine. Even if I were to do that, I would not know what the device or
 which I had pinpointed.

 This gives a picture of the problem and the steps which I've taken so
far to
 find the noise source. Hope someone has had a similar problem and has
 a fix for it.

 Bob, W5SJS


That's about it... Any suggestions would surely be appreciated.


Joe, W5ASP

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