[TowerTalk] from oz1eez

Michael D. Ihry mihry@argontech.net
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 05:35:00 -0500

I need some advice/help with my vertical delta loops. I plan to put up a

reduced size 2 element vertical 80m delta loop using my 85 ft. tower as
support. The loop will be spaced aprox. 25 ft at the apex and 30ft at
bottom. Now my questions are;

1. Can I put up a full size 2 element 40m delta loop inside the 80m
without degrading the performance of the two antennas?

2. My tower is shunt fed for 160m with a 15 element multibeam as
- can i expect interaction between this antenna and the two loops - if
can I do anything to minimize it?

3. If there is a impedance change before and after the erection of the
- is that a sign of coupling?

Thanks in advance........73's Jens / OZ1EEZ / 8Q7AN

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