[TowerTalk] Guy alignment - friendly wager

GIG38@aol.com GIG38@aol.com
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 21:25:00 EDT

Anyone care to help settle a friendly argumentative discussion and wager on 
aligning guy points?

A discussion on aligning guy points led to a wager between a couple local 
tower planners.

Ham (1) Says:  The only satisfactory means to position guy points is to use a 
transit at the point where the tower will be placed and accurately position 
the center of each anchor point hole exactly 120 degrees apart.

Ham (2) Says:  While using a transit is the ultimate method. Using string 
tied to each leg stretching them to the desired guy hole distance, then 
carefully measure and move each string until all three are the same distance 
apart  (measurement taken 25 feet from the tower on all three strings) is 
"close enough" so long as "String number 1 is carefully "eyeballed to be 
straight with the leg it is tied to. 

Ham (1) Replied:  Close enough only counts in hand grenades and horse shoes 
and after considerable discussion both agreed to wager a cold six pack of 
cold 807's on Tower Talk responses.  The method receiving the most votes wins.

I raised a third consideration which is: Let's see what the Tower Talk gang 
come back with in the way of votes but also consider recommended alternatives.

Now this is a serious situation cause a cold 6 pack of 807' s is on the line. 
 So... anyone care to vote, comment or make  alternate recommendations?

I will tally and post the votes along with other appropriate recommendations. 
 It will be interesting to see what comes up, who knows, we may all learn 
something new.


Jack W0UCE

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