[TowerTalk] Guy alignment - friendly wager

Fred Hopengarten k1vr@juno.com
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 22:08:28 EDT

Fred Hopengarten  K1VR               781/259-0088
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
permanent e-mail address:  fhopengarten@mba1972.hbs.edu
if sending attachments:  k1vr@gis.net

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 21:25:00 EDT GIG38@aol.com writes:
>Anyone care to help settle a friendly argumentative discussion and 
>wager on  aligning guy points?

K1VR:  Trick question. Both methods result in the same degree of
accuracy.  One method relies on making the tower legs match the three 120
degree lines, and the other method relies on one string lining up with a
tower leg.  As the human eye can only see one sight line at a time, you
are really talking about apples and apples. One line v. one line. Each
method is equally accurate or inaccurate, the 120 degree lines will be
fine -- in each method, the challenge is aligning a leg and line.

P.S. Never take your engineering advice from a lawyer...

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