[TowerTalk] Offset of Vertical Antennas From Tower

wa4dou@excite.com wa4dou@excite.com
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 20:28:54 PDT

Hi Robin,
  Strictly speaking, the greatest distance you can stand the antenna off the
side of the tower is the necessary distance to minimize the towers effects.
Still, the antenna is somewhat influenced and thus directional. I think 4-6
ft. is usually appropriate to 150 and 450 mhz. On 10 meters, 8 ft. wouldn't
be too much but might be hard to do. 
  73 Roy Lincoln WA4DOU
On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 22:10:47 -0500, Robin E. Midgett wrote:

> Hello Tower Talkians,
> I'm searching for information on the effects of offset of vertically 
> polarized antennas away from the tower. Is there a generally accepted 
> distance (offset) properly used when placing antennas in a side mounted 
> fashion? 1/4 wave length? 1/2 wavelength? Anything but an even or odd 
> multiple of 1/4 or 1/2? I'm primarily concerned with antennas for 10
> through 23cm, of the typical Comet, Diamond, Cushcraft, etc variety. What

> distance minimizes the effect of the tower? What distance maximizes the
> Please share your responses with the list, unless you know this is an 
> over-raised question on the reflector.
> Thanks,
> Robin
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