[TowerTalk] A mast not a tower

DavidC DavidC" <eDoc@netzero.net
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 18:36:07 -0500

> I wonder if any one has some thoughts/experience with 30-40 foot masts -
> not towers? I have found no such animals for sale as commercial items
> and have not found much of make-it-at-home information.  I would use
> guys to stabilize. One of my friends has used aluminum irrigation pipe -
> two each 30 foot sections.
> Any other ideas??
> Thanks  73/Jim/AC4CZ

I believe Lowes and Home Depot carry something like that.
Radio Shack used to and I believe several Ham companies do.
Have you looked at the Texas Tower, DavisRF, AES, HRO,
and other sites and/or catalogs?  73, DavidC  K1YP

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