[TowerTalk] Side Mounts

Mike Lamb n7ml@imt.net
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 23:33:08 +0000


If you don't try to get the maximum turning angle, why can't you just use three
angle iron pieces each about four feet long.  Place two of them on the side of
your tower so that one is about four feet above the other and both are parallel to
ground.  The ends of the two angle iron pieces clamp with U bolts to each of the
two legs on one of the tower faces so that the majority of the angle iron projects
out away from the tower on one side.  The third piece of angle iron is bolted
vertically to the ends of the horizontal angle irons.  The top and bottom of  the
vertical member supports a vertical mast using a couple large U clamps.

Am I stupidly  missing something important, or is this a decent way to go?  I
would think that even after you spend a few dollars on good paint, that it can't
cost more than about $20 at the local junk metal supply yard.

I am speaking as a sideliner because I have two rotating towers and a crankup.

73/Mike, N7ML

Pete Smith wrote:

> At 11:49 AM 2/24/1999 EST, K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >In a message dated 99-02-24 11:32:54 EST, Fatchett.Mike@tci.com writes:
> >
> >> I am looking for recommendations for side mounts.  I want to side mount a
> >>  small tribander at about 50ft.  The tower is Rohn 45.
> >>
> >>  Force 12 had one at one time and IIX has one.
> >
> >       The IIX clamps onto one leg and needs to be braced to prevent it from
> >turning. It puts all the forces on one leg and is kind of light to medium-
> >duty. I haven't seen the F12 version but suspect that it's well done in light
> >of the normally excellent F12 mechanical designs.
> >
> >     You can fabricate one yourself pretty easily. You just need some
> U-bolts,
> >four pieces of angle iron and a couple of flat plates. I've got 2 (and
> >possibly 3) reprints of sidemount articles. Two bucks will get you all of
> them
> >(Box 572, Woodinville, WA, 98072).
> The IIX is also disproportionally expensive at nearly $200.
> 73,  Pete N4ZR
> Loud is good
> --
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