[TowerTalk] computer niise

Paul Hicks VE3BBH / VE3ZT ve3bbh@interlog.com
Fri, 02 Jul 1999 23:38:18 -0400

I also have a MAG 17 that emits noise that is picked up by my various
antennas, in varying degrees. It's most noticable on 28 mHz, showing up
every 33 - 38 kHz. I've tried putting a couple of snap-on-chokes on the
power cord and the video cord where they exit the monitor. No noticable
improvement. I think the RF is radiating right through the case.

If you are going to purchase another monitor, try one with a "CE"
(European) rating, their standards are much higher than Canadian/American
standards. In fact, I think it's a good idea to purchase ANY electronics
and components with the CE rating. Any other ideas?

By the way, I believe there's an RFI Reflector on the "Contesting.Com" site.

73, Paul

At 11:36 AM 02/07/99 , Harv Shore, you said...
"I have a MAG 17 that seems to be reasonably clean.
"That is I have not noticed any garbage of the Ham Radio (FT1000) which is on
"the same 110V line

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