[TowerTalk] C31XR and XM240, which one on top, how big a mast

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 12:14:21 EDT

In a message dated 99-07-12 11:54:35 EDT, brunet@us.ibm.com writes:

> Is there a convention as to whether a 40m yagi should go on the top or
>  bottom?

     I prefer the bigger antenna (in this case the 40M) on the bottom just as 
a practical consideration since larger antennas tend to need more maintenance 
over time. Having it on the bottom just makes it easier to drop for repairs. 

>  Is a 15' mast enough or is 20' needed?
       You mean total mast length or mast sticking out of the tower?  It's 
been my limited experience that you need at least 10 feet of spacing for an 
XM240 and more would be better. 

Cheers,  Steve    K7LXC

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