[TowerTalk] fiberglass spreaders

Kurt Andress K7NV@contesting.com
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 18:20:32 -0700

Tom Rauch wrote:
> I want to install a couple folded dipoles for 160 meters using some
> weather resistant light weight small diameter rod. I plan on holding
> two #16 wires about a foot apart.
> I was somewhat unsuccessful cutting lexan sheet in my metal
> sheer because of the way it bends and tears instead of snipping off
> cleanly, and I'd like to use rod anyway to reduce wind load...maybe
> something 1/4 inch or less diameter.
> Any ideas?

Hi Tom,
Nice to meet you in Dayton.

I'd look for Delrin! It's one of the many nylon alloys. We use it
extensively where plastic is required on our marine spars. The black
pigmented grade has good UV resistance.

Most all plastic supply houses, like Cadillac Plastics, carry it in a
variety of rod and sheet sizes.

It's not the cheapest stuff you can find, but I think its one of those
"pay me now or pay me later" propositions.

73, Kurt

K7NV "That's K7 "Nevada" (ex - NI6W)

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