[TowerTalk] C3E and Rohn HBX Installation
Fatchett, Mike
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 12:08:59 -0600
I am posting this for Doug. He can't seem to get subscribed properly.
AA0UF Wrote:
I am interested in installing a F12 C3E on a Rohn HD-HBX tower. I know that
Rohn states not to exceed a 10' boom but I see allot of guys here in the
Colorado Springs area using the same tower with CushCraft A4's and KLM KT
34A's. I have spoke with a few of these guys and they have stated that these
beams have been up for over 10 years and they do yearly inspection which
indicate no failure of the rotor plate or rivets.
Any insight to my situation would be greatly appreciated. Please reply
directly to my E-mail address of aa0uf@uswest.net
73 de
Doug / AA0UF
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