[TowerTalk] Need Tristao Tower Info

Bruce Rogers brogers@nctimes.net
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 13:14:03 -0800

I need information on a three-section, crank-up, tilt-over, three
legged, Tristao tower. If there was a model number on the Tristao name
plate, it has completely weathered away.   Each of the three sections is
20 feet long, so I think that the tower would extend to around 51 or 52
feet.  The legs on the triangular base are spaced about 16.5 inches O.C.
or about 18 inches outside dimensions.  There are anchor points for guys
on each of the three sections.

In order to get it up and permitted, I need to know the wind loading
capability, the recommended base, what is recommended for guys and
anchors, etc.

I have never owned a tower before, so I have a lot to learn on the "care
and feeding" of it.

I would really like to get my hands on the original documentation.  I
will gladly pay for copying and mailing costs.

Bruce Rogers, KQ6B
9941 Lan Lane
Escondido, Ca. 92026

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