[TowerTalk] Where to put tower?

Terry A. Cox tacox@concentric.net
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 15:56:29 -0600

Hello, Mike.  I had the same decision to make about 5 years ago and decided to
put the tower (100' Rohn 45) about 130' from the house.  We have 2 acres 200'
wide and 443' deep, so the tower is on the back acre.  I ran two 4" sewer
pipes (PVC) between the PolyPhaser entry panel at the house and the tower.
For UHF I have one 7/8" heliax run.  For HF I presently use RG-8, but will
switch to 1/2" heliax as soon as I can find some good used stuff.  My VHF
antennas presently are mounted on a fence close to the house (for voice and
personal packet use) and one on a roof mount just above the shack (this is my
PacketCluster Node link antenna).  I also have a 64' crankup/foldover tower to
install 60' from the house to the side.  I already have one 4" PVC conduit to
the install location.  I'm satisfied with the design.  Hope this helps.  73,

Michael Bruss wrote:

> Soon my wife and I will move into a new house in the country where I
> intend to put-up a 100' tower.  The tower will be used mostly for HF
> beams, but I haven't ruled-out putting VHF/UHF antennas on it.  The
> question is whether to put it close to the house to minimize cable runs
> or at least one tower length away (where accidents won't harm the house or
> its occupants). I also have to deal with the guyed/crank/tilt and
> iron/aluminium questions, but want to limit the scope of this question
> to location.  Having been a city dweller, my antenna experience has been
> with roof-tops and chimneys.
> I'm tending toward putting the tall tower far from the house and using
> low-loss cable.  Land area, neighbors, ice/snow and power lines are not
> factors. I'm tending toward using a separate 30-40' light-weight tower for
> the VHF/UHF antennas, and it would be next to the house (it might damage
> the house if it falls, but not the occupants).
> A couple of subsidiary questions:  The house is 1 story with attic and
> crawl-space.  Is it better to route the cables above the ceiling or below
> the floor on the way out?  How important is it to have the tall tower
> where it can be seen from the radio room versus out of sight where it
> won't spoil the view for family and guests?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,  Mike, KF6IMS
> --
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Terry A. Cox - KB4KA - Collierville, TN
e-mail to tacox@concentric.net (Home)
       or tacox@fedex.com  (Work)
webpage at http://www.concentric.net/~Tacox
ROSE access via KB4KA-10 V K4VVM-3,901372 (1200/145.67)
KB4KA PacketCluster on 144.97 direct or via ROSE address 901002
Trustee for TBONE Packet Association (KB4KB)
Trustee for Hickory Withe DX Club (KB4KC)

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/towertalkfaq.html
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