[TowerTalk] Where to put tower?

Dick Flanagan W6OLD dick@libelle.com
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:42:16 -0800

>>From: Michael Bruss <mlbruss@ucdavis.edu>
>Soon my wife and I will move into a new house in the country where I
>intend to put-up a 100' tower.  The tower will be used mostly for HF
>beams, but I haven't ruled-out putting VHF/UHF antennas on it.  The
>question is whether to put it close to the house to minimize cable runs
>or at least one tower length away (where accidents won't harm the
>house or
>its occupants).

I had originally planned on putting my 72 ft crankup next to the house,
but two Polyphaser application engineers suggested I put it at least 50
feet away so I wouldn't attract lightning right next to the house.

>A couple of subsidiary questions:  The house is 1 story with attic and
>crawl-space.  Is it better to route the cables above the ceiling or
>the floor on the way out?

For purposes of lightning suppression, cables should be routed away
from the tower at ground level, not elevated.  This suggests an under
floor routing would be easiest.

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada DM09db (South of Reno)
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