[TowerTalk] My Article in Communications Quarterly
Steven Best
sbest@cushcraft.com" <sbest@cushcraft.com
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:24:53 -0500
Hello again.
This will be a relatively short message. I have read most of the comments
on the Towertalk reflector regarding my article in Communications
Quarterly. Some of you have also been kind enough to e-mail me some of the
postings (positive and negative).
I still do not understand why some people take this subject so personal,
even to the point where they cannot simply read a technical article
objectively. Some of Tom's (W8JI) and Jim's (KH7M) comments were simply
petty personal attacks.
Anyway, my article was not intended to be a case of "Best vs. Maxwell". In
fact, Walt read my article before it was published and provided me with a
great deal of constructive criticism. Walt's criticism was always based
upon his technical position not emotion. Walt and I must have sent some 20
- 30 e-mails to each other discussing our differences of opinion. The only
differences of opinion we have at this point are the meaning of mismatch
loss (I state my position clearly in my article) and that ALL reflections
from the antenna are re-reflected at the matching network output (I
disagree and my article details the basis of my opinion).
Based on the recent posts, Tom (W8JI) and Jim (KH7M) are the most vocal in
disagreeing with me. If they or anyone disagrees with me, please state
what you believe to be technically wrong in my article (please don't simply
quote Walt's book), explain why you believe it to be wrong and I would be
happy to discuss it offline. I will not debate this subject again on
Also, Jim stated that I used an absurd experimental model. I simply wanted
to use an example of an antenna with significant (relative term)
reflections so we de-tuned an antenna to about a 9:1 VSWR. We measured the
feedpoint impedance to be 6.2 + j14.4 and went from there.
Tom stated that I openly flaunt my experience and credentials. Also, that
he said he would respect me if I had been able to utter the words "I made a
mistake". I am not sure what axe Tom has grind with me but these comments
don't belong online and I will not respond to Tom in the same manner. In
fact, when I did make some mistakes online, I apologized and retracted my
statements online. Unfortunately, that caused an onslaught of attacks in
the Aerials column of Worldradio.
If anyone has questions or would truly like to understand my position,
please do not hesitate to e-mail me at sbest@cushcraft.com. I always
welcome an open technical exchange of opinions.
Steve Best VE9SRB
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