[TowerTalk] Mosley still in business??

Joseph J. Duerbusch jduerbus@marz.com
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:58:49 +0000

Joe, Mosley is still in business, they have moved to a much larger plant in
Union Missouri.  They had a big ad in QST.  Sorry I don't have any other
information but I know they have a website.

Joe K0BX St. Louis MO

Joseph A Vilardo wrote:

> Does anyone know if Mosley is still in the amateur radio antenna
> business ?? If so do they have a web site??
> I aquired a Mosley MP-33 tri band Yagi that I would like to refurbrish
> it a bit and use it for a field day antenna and I need to replace all of
> the trap seals and some other hardware.
> Joe
> K3JV
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