[TowerTalk] Big Towers Down

Richard Boyd ke3q@erols.com
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:00:37 -0500

Yep, we've been following the progress of this prospective takedown for
years.  A year or two ago the local club did a series of several tours of
the facility, which many PVRCers attended -- with the demolition in the
planning stages at that time.  Really a historic site and some of us
suggested preserving some of it as a museum (I volunteered as curator, hi --
would be nice to have a 1,200' tower -- that's what I recall the tallest one
was -- with a bunch of 600-800' ones to boot!).

I guess my XYL and I were just somehow out of the loop and didn't get word
that the first ones were to be dropped yesterday.  We heard about it on the
news after the fact.  Otherwise we would have been there videotaping for

My dad heard it being described, live, on the 2M repeater.  One local ham
was heard to say "There goes my digipeter!"

My current understanding is that this was just the first three of the many
towers (I forget the number), so more will be falling eventually.  The Naval
Academy ham club has been "lobbying" to have some left for their use, and
the last I heard they will be able to do "one thing or another" with some of
them until they are eventually dropped.

W3NRS (Norm's Rotator Service, and a longtime PVRC member) has been one of
the bidders on the demolition and probably has all the "skinny."
73 - Rich, KE3Q

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Champlin <w0hh@grapevine.net>
To: towertalk@contesting.com <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:39 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Big Towers Down

>I am wondering if anyone else saw those big beautiful government towers
>being dropped with explosives. This was on CNN. They said they had been
>up since WWI. Is this really progress?
>Tom, W0HH
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