[TowerTalk] Scotchkote question

R. Michael Barts n4gu@vt.edu
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 17:10:10 -0400

Is there anything to thin out an old can of Scotchkote? The last quarter or
so of my can is starting to get very gummy. Maybe its time to just toss it?

Mike N4GU

R. Michael Barts                                              ARS N4GU
Research Associate                                            Grid EM97SD
Antenna Laboratory/Satellite Communications Group       
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061                     540-231-7280/FAX 540-231-3355
http://lab.ant.ee.vt.edu/                      http://n4gu.ant.ee.vt.edu

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