[TowerTalk] Rotor box madness

alsopb alsopb@gloryroad.net
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 14:17:14 +0000


After experiencing the mad, mad world of having
multiple rotor boxes on the desk for a couple
months now, I've figured out a way to turn the
right antenna.

I've simply constructed a box with separate AC
outlets for each rotor.  Inside the box are DC
relays to switch AC power to the appropiate outlet
and a pc board with a diode matrix.  The diode
matrix is connected to my antenna switching
circuitry so that when an antenna is selected, the
proper rotor box is turned on.  With Ham series
rotors, this means that the indicator lamp is also
on.  Other control boxes lamps are out.

The diode matrix is needed so that when using a
rotor used for multiple bands, one still powers

More wires but less confusion.

Switch box manufacturers are you listening?

73 de Brian/K3KO

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