[TowerTalk] one 80m dipole for 3.5 through 4.0

brunet@us.ibm.com brunet@us.ibm.com
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 13:49:42 -0500

Are their designs for 80m dipoles covering 3.5 through 4.0 preferably without a
trip to the antenna?  Sounds like the search for the holy grail.  Some ideas:

1) a pair of dipoles with one feedpoint, one cut for each end of the band

I suspect this doesn't work since I have never seen it written about or used.

2) a dipole whose length can be changed using a small motor drive on each end

Various ideas come to mind but I don't know how successful any of them would be
in reality.  Has anyone done work in this area?

Thanks, Pete ws4g

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