[TowerTalk] MFJ- vs GAP- No Contest

JimW9WU@aol.com JimW9WU@aol.com
Sat, 9 Oct 1999 15:31:54 EDT

One of the only problems with eham is that they publish equipment/antenna 
reviews from the uneducated, ill-informed, etc.  Dinsterdog claims an MFJ 
antenna almost burned his house down?  Fantastic!  How much power was he 

73, Jim W9WU

In a message dated 10/8/1999 9:58:01 PM Central Daylight Time, aa4nn@juno.com 

>  Well said, Mighthy Fine Junk. (MFJ, get it ?)
>  You can always enter your comments on www.eham.net
>  for product reviews, good or bad.

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