[TowerTalk] Please- let us have a product review refelctor!

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Sat, 9 Oct 1999 17:50:37 EDT

Wow, I just got politely slammed for a product reivew I did on eham on an 
antenna switch....in which I was indirectly called uneducated and 
ill-informed- about my antenna review??? Huh?????? zzzzzzzzzz...........well, 
I'll respond- no biggie- 

- Most people can tell the difference between an antenna switch and an 
antenna???? Right???? Well, there is always one on the crowd-and I guess this 
time his name happens to be Jim- 

To clarify-  so as not to leave anyone hanging on what I was being critic 
about- - it was pretty basic-   I was reporting on a faulty MFJ 12VAC power 
module, associated with a Ameritron RCS-4 antenna SWITCH,  that almost burned 
down my house- not an MFJ antenna-  where anyone gets that the review was 
about an antenna gets me..........maybe they are just ill-informed and 

Powers at Be.........Enough falter on the various reflectors- let let us put 
up a place to air what we really feel about products- -    

73 Paul  N0AH  also known, and proud to be, dinsterdog@aol.com 
(When Telling It Like It IS, Is Telling It Like It IS!) 

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