[TowerTalk] Hy-Gain Monobander brackets

George, K3GP k3gp@bigfoot.com
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 04:42:06 -0000

Now that I have two towers up in the air, I'm looking for a pair of Hy-Gain
Reflector/Director Boom-to-Mast plates (Hygain part number 165919) to make
one boom-to-mast bracket to restore my 155BA monobander. It appears that
these brackets were also used on 204BA and 205BA antennas, and likely

I realize I am probably tilting at windmills, but I want to get this antenna
up before the snow flies, and can't wait for MFJ/Hy-Gain to ramp up
production of replacement parts.

Any Tower Talkians out there have a pair they can part with so I can get
this project moving forward?

George K3GP

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