[TowerTalk] t2x, c31xr and ef240x

brunet@us.ibm.com brunet@us.ibm.com
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 18:59:43 -0500

Ty says...

No, incorrect. It's not nearly that simple to calculate and has little to do the
turning radius.  It has to do with moment arm for each significant piece.  You
can essentially eliminate the mast since it's moment is close to zero.  Figure
things for the two antennas and add them and that'll give you the true torque

However, I can tell from experience that a T2X will easily handle that load.

73, Ty K3MM

Pete says:

Interesting.  I see for the C36XR the mast torque is spec'd at only 120 in-lbs
or 10 ft lb, but the weight is 108 and the turning radius is 29.2' or 3154 ft lb
so it appears that, as you say, it is not as simple as multiplying the radius
and weight.

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