[TowerTalk] Big Grip Help

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:42:44 -0400

At 08:30 AM 9/29/1999 EDT, W4nf@aol.com wrote:
>Last night I started putting together my guys (broken into non resonant 
>lengths) with the insulators and big grips that just arrived.  I had planned 
>to have the guy that attached directly to the tower be about 4' long.  So I 
>pre cut some guys that were 3' long to take into account the additional 6" 
>that the big grip provides on each end of the guy.  The problem is that the 
>1/4" big grips are so long that the 3' guy piece, that I need to wrap them 
>on, is not long enough to allow the guy to extend past the second set of 
>yellow marks without the two big grips overlapping in the middle of the 3' 
>piece.  If I put the guy wire about 1" down below the second yellow mark
>I might have enough room to get two big grips on the 3' guy piece.  What are 
>your thoughts on having the guy cable not extend past the second yellow mark?

Not a good idea - these are friction devices and I'd want to be very sure
that every inch of designed friction surface is in play.
> Should I just recut a bunch of 4' - 5' sections to come off the tower with.

I'd suggest that - mine are probably closer to 4 than 5, but you're right -
the big grips almost come together in the middle.  

>I'm going to go search for the big grip website now, maybe they will have 
>something on there.  A set of instructions did come with the big grips but 
>they were for the Phillstran types.  Your thoughts please as I'm trying to 
>get the guys all made up prior to the tower raising on Saturday. 

Yikes, make sure you didn't get Philly grips by mistake.  I know that the
marks on mine, for 3/16 EHS, were red, not yellow.  I'm not sure if the
variation is significant.

73,  Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower

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