[TowerTalk] 120 v inside conduit
Jim Berry
Sun, 9 Apr 2000 07:30:17 -0700
There is an old trick one might play around with. Get a couple of
old filament transformers. Hook them up so that the 6 or 12 volt
side makes the run. The transformer on the other end converts
everything back to 120. I do not know how much current is going to
be needed, but I would suspect that most average filament
transformers would handle it. In any case, sure would keep any line
voltage at a safer level.
73 Jim K7SLI
> On 4/9 Ken wrote:
> <I'm going to put up a tower this summer, I was thinking
> of running a 120
> VAC line inside the same PVC conduit along with my coax feeds. Any
> problem with this idea?
> Thanks,
> Ken W2DTC>
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