[TowerTalk] rewiring...

Jeff Stai KQ6VQ jstai@home.com
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 14:39:29 -0700

So: imagine that you are having your house completely rewired
from scratch.

What would you have done (or would do) beyond the usual to-code
stuff and "service to the tower" and "plenty of 220 to the shack"?
Anything special with grounding etc.?

I don't want to miss the chance to Do It Right...!

Replies direct to me will be summarized to the list.

thanks & 73! - vq 

jeff stai
NAR #21059 TRA #3356 L2
jstai@home.com / kq6vq@arrl.net
ROC web page: http://www.rocstock.org/

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