[TowerTalk] Have you had a crank-up come down?

K4SB k4sb@mindspring.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:51:24 +0000

Stan or Patricia Griffiths wrote:
> K6ASL had a crankup tower failure in about 1964.  It folded over at the top of
> the first section and was a 4 section, 72 foot crankup.  The antenna on top 
> was LARGE . . . 5 elements of a 60 foot boom on 20meters.  The cause of the 
> failure was cut guy wires by an irrate neighbor . . .

Guys, you should NEVER guy a crankup! If the tower can't stand
what's on it, ( and I'm as guilty as all ) then put up another
tower or do without.


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