[TowerTalk] rs-232 rotator for a C36XR
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:31:55 EDT
In a message dated 04/13/2000 7:18:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
brunet@us.ibm.com writes:
> Thanks to all. I learned a lot. Since RS232 is a future requirement and
> since the C36XR 70 mph mast torque is < 120 in-lbs I can turn it with a
> Yaesu G800SDX at $399 or a G1000DXA at $479 and add a $179 SARtek RS232
> interface later. Both the Yaesu rotators have 600 in-lbs rotating torque.
Huh? The Yaesu K-Factor (turning radius times weight) is a much more
accurate way to gauge potential rotator capacity. That's where the K-Factor
(also known as Effective Moment from Hy-Gain) comes in. The K-Factor of the
C36XR is 2570 ft/lbs (23.8' TR times 108 pounds). The K-Factor of the G-800
is 1299 ftlbs - oops! The K-Factor of the G-1000 is 2020 - ouch! You need the
G-2800 which will do 6870 ft/lbs. Or a TailTwister.
Besides, starting torque is where the 'rubber meets the road'. Once the
antenna is turning, it don't take much at all to keep it turning.
Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech
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