[TowerTalk] Towertalk Admin Change
Curtis, David B
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 08:22:30 -0800
Moderation is not necessary -- TT is not spammed with adverts, etc.
Censorship has no place here.
Speaking as someone who deals in large volumes of e-mail every day, let me
whisper one word to you all: filters.
Eudora and Outlook both support filters. I'm sure other e-mail programs do
as well. Send TT to a folder of it's own. Sort by subject. Automatically
delete mail from known bone-heads (don't worry, you won't miss anything...
if they *do* happen to say something worthwhile, someone else will comment
on it and you will see that). Turn mail from smart guys a different color.
For my work e-mail I have folders per meeting/project, different colors for
my boss, my team, for mail where I'm only CC'ed, for mail where I'm the only
person on the TO: list. TT gets its own folder and it's own treatment.
Yes, the volume on TT is large. This is an opportunity to learn how to use
your mailer.
*stepping off soapbox now*
73, Dave N6NZ
-----Original Message-----
From: N2TK [mailto:n2tk@earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 3:36 AM
To: K7LXC@aol.com; n4zr@contesting.com; towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Towertalk Admin Change
I also concur with Pete and Steve on this. I had a question censored about
preamps on the low bands, which turned out to be of interest to others. Less
intereference is better
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com] On Behalf Of K7LXC@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2000 11:35 AM
To: n4zr@contesting.com; towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Towertalk Admin Change
In a message dated 98-11-16 16:09:20 EST, n4zr@contesting.com writes:
> >Pete, N4ZR and I are not on the same page as to the direction of this
> >reflector. Pete is more inclined to less or no censorship. I am
> >to moderate the list completely. Regardless, our difference of opinion
> >has prompted Pete to resign as admin of the reflector.
> >
> >If you have interest in doing the job please let me know. I have only
> >requirement... You must be willing to keep the reflector on topic.
> Bill, I was with you till that last half-sentence.
> I did not want to "moderate" the reflector -- interposing myself between
> every message and the list -- for two reasons.
> First, I have a basic philosophical discomfort with prior restraint of
> speech. My preferred mode of operation was to message people directly
> occasionally, to post a public request that a given thread be
> Second, because I have a real job, acting as moderator would often impose
> some delay in the posting of messages on the reflector, resulting in
> deadlines for needed information and, probably, some degree of double-
> posting.
> Bill doesn't feel my approach is firm enough, and the reflector exists
> through his generosity, so he gets to decide.
TowerTalk is a unique resource. Anyone can ask a question (there's no
such thing as a dumb one) and get mostly credible answers. There is a
noticeable lack of spamming, name calling, etc. because almost everyone acts
their age and respects their fellow TowerTalkians. Outbursts are rare and
pretty quickly. THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT!
I was the original administrator for TowerTalk and did it for 2-1/2
years. I found that threads that started to go off-topic fizzled out about
the same time whether I got all hot-and-bothered about them or just let them
die a natural death so I took the route that entailed the least mental and
physical toll.
I'm not in favor of a moderated list for the same reasons that Pete
states - it's a helluva lot of work and I also would prefer not to have TT
traffic censored.
IMO TowerTalk isn't broken and doesn't need to be fixed. Please let's
leave it unmoderated.
Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech
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