[TowerTalk] Homebrew towers

JimW9WU@aol.com JimW9WU@aol.com
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 16:37:58 EST

We lawyers who help many on TowerTalk with their local city
requirements will keep you in mind. Stupid tower regulations are
usually the product of the local building/planning commisioner types
who barely finished the local community college course on planning/zoning
for fun and profit.  

My experience has been that when you bring the conflict of the local 
ordinance with 42 CFR 97.15 to the attention of the village attorney that
the permit for the tower is eventually issued. 

73, Jim O''Connell, W9WU  ARRL Volunteer Counsel
      (Don't miss "Getting It Up and Keeping It Up", or 
       "Amateur Radio & The Law" at the Dayton Hamvention, 
       with several of the TowerTalk ham lawyers on Sunday,
       May 21, 2000)
73, Jim W9WU

In a message dated 1/22/2000 11:16:25 AM Central Standard Time, 
mcduffie@scottsbluff.net writes:

>  > Gentlemen: It seems that homebrewing towers is now politically incorrect?
>  > In older Antenna handbooks there are frequent references to ownerbuilt
>  > support structures. This doesn't happen any more. Any comments?
>  Can you say   Law-yers ???   Li-a-bil-i-ty ?
>  -- 
>  Please notify your ISP if you don't receive this.
>  --

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