[TowerTalk] Re: Serving Tool
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 17:21:46 -0400
Hi Bob,
I'm only qualified to speak of 3/16th" EHS guywire, in this respect,
but i have "served" the individual strands of it, with good results(nice
tight wraps) using nothing more than my thumb, and a pair of linemans
pliers to "finish off" the very last turn in a wrap. It will wear a
blister on your thumb if you do too many in too short a time period, but
it beats having to have ,yet another, tool. 73 Roy WA4DOU
On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 08:25:51 -0400 "Robert T Wood" <rtwood@gte.net>
> Does anyone out there know of a source for the Rohn Serving Tool,
> Part #
> CST1? I have tried various sources and it seems that most dealers
> don't
> stock this part any longer since the current trend is toward Guy
> Grips. I
> called Rohn, they were most helpful. Hi Hi. Seems minimum order
> must be at
> least $250. If anyone has a source or even a used Serving Tool that
> they
> would be willing to sell please contact me direct.
> An "OLD FASHIONED" Thanks in Advance.
> Bob - WB2QKX
> rtwood@gte.net
> --
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