[TowerTalk] Lowest Price I got on LMR, DAVIS RF Co. Re: Buriable Coax

Brooks90@aol.com Brooks90@aol.com
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 18:38:56 EDT

 LMR 400 DB price:  I got some from DAVIS RF Co. 1-800-DAVIS RF. Their price 
on this DB has been 59 cents per foot for as long as I've looked !!   The 
standard (non-DB) LMR 400 has been .53/ft!   they're right when they say "the 
price leader in Heliax and LMR".  Guy their told me they do 80% commercial 
and so much Heliax and LMR they get super costs and still let hams have it 
for same price as commercials.  Friendly folks too.  D. Brooks

In a message dated 07/12/2000 4:59:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
billp@dune.wwpc.com writes:

<< Subj:     Re: [TowerTalk] Buriable Coax
 Date:  07/12/2000 4:59:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  billp@dune.wwpc.com (Bill Putney)
 Sender:    owner-towertalk@contesting.com
 Reply-to:  billp@wwpc.com
 To:    N0OEL@aol.com, o
 Times Cable has a direct burrial version of there LMR-400 (a low loss, 100%
 shield RG8 sized coax) called LMR-400DB. It has sealing goop inside the 
 to keep water out. Texas Towers (and others I'm sure) carry it. TT gets $.74 
 - Bill
 On Jul 12,  2:47pm, N0OEL@aol.com wrote:
 > Subject: [TowerTalk] Buriable Coax
 > Have a friend who is going to bury about 120ft of coax.    Anyone out there
 > have any recommendation as to what buriable coax to use of the RG8 variety
 > that will work well 80-10 mtrs that is not too high on loss?     Also where
 > is a good place to find it?
 > 73
 > Mike
 > K0BUD
 > >>

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