[TowerTalk] BIG antenna/tower question

Gary McDuffie, Sr. mcduffie@scottsbluff.net
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 15:46:16 -0600

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:36:24 -0700, Ken Hirschberg wrote:

> Pete - Dave Padrick, W6ANR, and Peter Dalton, W6KW, did some work on an after
> market high-Q mid-element loading coil to replace linear loading on several
> models of Yagis.

Dave sent me pictures of the coil.  Quite an "L".  If size means
anything, it should work well!  If you want, I can look for the pictures
and Email them to you...I'll eventually find them!


ag0n at arrl dot net
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