[TowerTalk] Total station grounding and ethernet (summary)

Curtis, David B david.b.curtis@intel.com
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 13:29:19 -0700

If you are going to do multiple drives, why not RAID them?
You still need to do backups to be really safe, but RAID quite often saves
one's behind.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Sleight [mailto:k4sb@mindspring.com]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 12:19 PM
To: TowerTalk Post
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Total station grounding and ethernet (summary)

Jim Idelson wrote:
> However, I never recovered the data on the disk
> drives. And, I had no recent backups.

Well, not sure if this will work Jim, but I had a similar problem a few
years ago. Not sure if it was a strike, but anyway, it fried a chip on
the HD. It was in warranty, but after talking to Seagate, they told me
they just replace the drives, and junk the old one. Sooooooooo, I bought
an identical drive, took the circuit board off the old and new, and put
the new board on the old drive. Thing took like a striped ass snake. Got
ALL my data off, and then switched the boards again, sent the old one to
Seagate, and used the new one to restore my files. Of course, Seagate
sent me a new one. So, you wind up with an extra drive, but heck,
everyone can use one.

As cheap as they are now, in addition to my zip drive for backup, I will
occasionally install another drive in the machine as a slave, and backup
everything to it, then remove it and put it on the shelf.

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