[TowerTalk] My First Tower
rick triolo
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 09:44:06 -0400 (EDT)
I have been reading this list for awhile and have learned quite a few
things.I have been a Ham on and off for several years and want advice for a
tower project. I'll address my wants, and ask for your advise.
My wants:
1. A tower 50-55 ft, free standing, crank up. Don't like heights anymore. It
will be in a pasture and I don't want guys because I cut hay. County wind
factor is 80mph. About 50 ft from tower to shack.
2. I will be using Coax, one line into shack. Shack is on second floor.
3. Antenna TA33 or A4S, 40 meter inverted 'V'. I am not satisfied with
MOSELY tech help but thats a story for another time.
4. Rotor, YASEAU?
5. Coax Switch?
Appreciate any help you can give me.
Rick N5VMX
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