[TowerTalk] Noisy TH7

Gary and Jane Nieborsky neborsky@ior.com
Sat, 24 Jun 2000 17:20:32 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: DavidC <eDoc@netzero.net>
To: John Nelson <John_Nelson@compuserve.com>; towertalk@contesting.com
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Noisy TH7

>Dear John:
>   You post is most appropriate.  Welcome to the fray!  Seriously,
>you will discover some of the most helpful and encouraging folks
>in all of Amateur Radio right here on TowerTalk.
>   If you search the TowerTalk archives I know that this topic has
>been discussed in the past, though often folks forget to change the
>Subject and thus it may be hidden under another Subject heading.
>   I remember as a child we had such a whistle from a roof rack,
>a clever mechanic solved it with a piece of tape -- he merely
>broke up the resonance.  I presume that your solution is the same.
>   Do you have a way to measure the wind speed up there?  If
>the beam only "sings" at a certain wind speed you may be able
>to quiet "her arias" down with a clamp, a piece of tape or even a
>spot of glue here and there.
>   I look forward to other suggestions from those who have fixed
>this problem on their beams.
>- Thanks! & 73, DavidC  K1YP in Hudson, FL
>> This is my first posting to Tower Talk, and I hope my question isn't too
>> 'newbie'.
>> I have a TH7 on a 60ft tower. As an antenna it works extremely well, but
>> has one drawback -- it 'whistles' badly in almost anything over a few
>> of wind. This is especially upsetting for Madam, who likes to sit in the
>> garden but finds the howling from the antenna intolerable. I can't say I
>> particularly care for it myself. It's not even clear to me which part of
>> the antenna is making the noise, although I presume it's most likely to
>> air blowing across the trap drainage holes and exciting some sort of
>> resonance.
>> Whatever it might be, can anyone please suggest a fix? Or is wind noise a
>> generic problem with HF Yagi antennas?
>> 73 John
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