[TowerTalk] Two Killed Erecting Tower

AA6DX AA6DX" <dx@northcoast.com
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:52:04 -0800

What if the media got the CB angle wrong --  too! -- and the tower was for
SWLing .. or a scanner ... or the birthday guy's TV aerial?  Who told you
they were CBers putting up an illegal apparatus, anyway?   I think this is a
moot point.  The real problem with all this speculation is that not one
person has provided the real information as to what happened.  That WOULD be
quite informative.  On the other hand, the discussions that have been shared
here has been worthwhile, and I, for one, appreciate all the POSITIVE input
as to sensible tower climbing, and safety issues.   On of my worst instances
was at 170' of 200' of 25G, above Chico,
CA  -- installing two Scala yagi translator antennas w/ 12' horizontal mast
holding the 2 10 el aerials .. as I moved the horizontal through the tower
to clamp it, the whole structure started to "corkscrew" ... the pucker
factor was magnificent!  I finished that job, and swore that   -I -  would
not be the one to take it down ... it was stupid to have done it in the
first place!  But we learn .. and, if we live through it, can share with
(You ain't seen nuttin' `til you've seen KL7RA fixing a rotator on the
bottom 20M yagi @ 140' @ 20 degrees below, in an ice fog, w/snow, so I (20M
op) could get my "rate" up to snuff during CQWW!)  73 ... Mark, AA6DX
----- Original Message ----- > and along those lines, requireing engineers
or professional installers wouldn't
> have stopped something like this anyway.  these guys were putting up what
> have been an illegally high antenna for the purpose of communicating
beyond the
> legal limit for cb anyway. why would a group like that go thru a permit
> let alone pay someone to put up a simple thing like a tower.  assuming
> rules that i used to know about in that service still apply even though
they are
> rarely, if ever, enforced.
> --
> David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
> k1ttt@berkshire.net   or   robbins@berkshire.net

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