[TowerTalk] Phillystran
Peter Larsen
Wed, 03 May 2000 04:26:21 +0100
> My TH6 at 80 ft SUCKS on 10M where my lower
> antennas (at 40 and 60 ft) are ALWAYS better.
Hummm, my TH-6 is an absolute bearcat at 72 feet, with a
10 foot drop to the back alley. (on 10 meters)
I put up a 5 element at 35 feet to "fill in the angles"
but found that it was always 3 to 4 S units down from
the TH-6. This 5 elem. is a proven performer as I worked
DXCC and WAS in less than 6 months with it, and 70 countries
in one week end.
My point, and I do have one, is that different installations
create different results.
> can cover ALL the angles supported by the ionosphere.
Yup, quite right. But in my opinion high is good.
Peter J. Larsen
VE6YC DO21wc
> Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
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