[TowerTalk] Use stainless steel with copper underground?

Larry Alkoff Larry Alkoff" <labradley@mindspring.com
Wed, 10 May 2000 21:53:14 -0600

Because I want to have ground rods every 8 feet based on the rule of thumb that ground rods
should be spaced equal to the depth of the rods.  So that would imply rods at 8 foot intervals
along the length.

Your idea is great for the last rods that connect to the ends and I'll do that.

On Wed, 10 May 2000 03:37:13 -0600, n4kg@juno.com wrote:

>Why not simply cut the ends into 1.5 inch wide strips.
>This will give you the flexibility you need without the
>worry of maintaining an underground connection.
>de  Tom  N4KG
>On Mon, 08 May 2000 14:32:35 -0600 "Larry Alkoff"
><labradley@mindspring.com> writes:
>> I want to ground a 12"  wide 30 foot long copper strap by attaching 
>> 1.5" copper straps to it
>>  with a copper sandwich that will be buried.  The straps will 
>> connect to ground rods.
>> The plan is to use 1/2" wide copper bar stock to sandwich the straps 
>> to the 12" wide strap.
>> Copper nuts and bolts seem very hard to find.
>> Can I use stainless steel nuts and bolts to hold the copper sandwich 
>> sandwich together underground?
>> Will there be corrosion?
>> Any alternative methods?
>> Larry Alkoff N2LA.      N2LA at mindspring.com
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