[TowerTalk] intersecting radials on phased arrays

ted demopoulos kr1g@hotmail.com
Sat, 04 Nov 2000 15:16:06 GMT

I'm laying down radials for an 80m 4-square.

Is anyone going to complain if I just let the overlapping radials overlap, 
instead of using a bus line between elements and soldering all the radials 
to it????

Just seems like it will be faster, although needing more wire. In case it 
matters, using insulated wire -cheap surplus #16 and #18.

I've got raised radials now, up about 2 to 5 feet (a contest quickie) which 
do work FB

Ted, KR1G
A search of the archives didn't find much (although there is probably 
something there)

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