[TowerTalk] "Elephant Antenna" stories?

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:04:29 EDT


I for one enjoy hearing fish stories about G5RV's blowing away others in pile 
ups etc......about magnetic dish washer mounted verticals working DXCC on a 

No disrespect towards anyone, but If you are frustrated about 1 dimensional 
elephants, perhaps you can direct this energy towards companies like MFJ and 
ask them about their advertising statements-  They make a great target for 
overstating the facts with all the "white elephants" they put out-  

As for the antenna accomplishments posted here- it seems a certain population 
of  "tower talk junkies"  live for bashing antenna testimonies with computer 
models and slide rules.  Yet a certain number of them, help make and/or 
design MFJ products.  Some products that I've personally experienced a 
50-100% failure rate with when trying them out-  

Are these the "guys" you are referring to as your hero's?  I'm not going to 
list names, they know who they are- and they have their opinions like we have 
our's. But I think if you dig a little bit, you'll find a lot more elephant 
droppings in certain tech head statements then you will in the personal 
testimonies of hams and their antennas on Tower Talk.   

73 Paul  N0AH


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