[TowerTalk] K3BU salt water

K3BU@aol.com K3BU@aol.com
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 08:20:56 EDT

In a message dated 9/21/2000 7:21:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
nx1g@top.monad.net writes:

>  I grew up on LI Sound. Water waves have no impact    

Can you relate this to low vs. high bands? If you place antenna close to the 
water let's say within 1/4 wave, you wouldn't see fluctuations in SWR with 

>  Salt Marshes are transitional areas and usually have fresh water mixing 
>  from  streams. Usually, there is less salt in a marsh for this reason.

I would look for marshes without fresh water mixing, just ocean water. 
Wouldn't the salt concentration there be higher and RF ground quality better?

>  My current 160 vertical is installed in a fresh water swamp. Conductivity 
>  is no different that regular ground. Given my drothers, I'd take a salt 
>  marsh any day.
>  BTW, I had swr problems with my vertical at the beach. It was sometimes 
>  great and other times very bad. It took me a day to figure out that good 
>  SWR curves came during high tides and bad SWR came during low tide. The 
>  house was on a big sandbar. :-) I fixed the problem with a longer ground 
>  rod and more radials.

How were the radials installed, elevated or on the ground? 6Y2A gang seemed 
not to have problems with elevated radials.

>  73 Craig Clark W1JCC

Thanks for insight!

Yuri, K3BU

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