[TowerTalk] Baluns - Primer and Questions

Bill Coleman aa4lr@arrl.net
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:58:17 -0400

I've been doing some research on my balun question from earlier. 

Consider the following types of 1:1 baluns:

A) 10 trifilar turns on a toroidial core. Windings abc connected as 
follows: a(start) to b(end) and feedline sheild; c(start) to feedline 
center; b(start) to c(end) and antenna side 1; a(end) to antenna side 2.

B) 10 bifilar turns on a toroidial core. Windings ab connected as 
follows: a(start) to feedline sheild, b(start) to feedline center; a(end) 
to antenna side 1, b(end) to antenna side 2. (Guanella balun)

C) 50 ferrite beads on a coaxial cable. (W2DU balun)

D) 10 turns of coaxial cable on a toroidial core. 



1) Nomenclature - The 1991 Handbook identifies type A as a voltage balun, 
and type B and C as a current balun. (Type D is as well, D is just like 
C, electrically)

2) The 2000 Handbook makes no mention of type A baluns. However, type B 
and C are mentioned.

3) W6SAI Handbook mentions Type D in passing -- discussing three turns of 
RG-8 on a extremely large core. No mention of it in ARRL publications I 
had on hand.

4) The Wireman has kits for constructing Type A and Type C baluns. The 
same kits for Type A could be used to construct Type B baluns. No one I'm 
aware of has kits for constructing Type D baluns, although they are 
apparently sold commercially. (Force12 sells one, the R7, R7000 (and I 
assume the R5 and R8) have this type of balun as part of their matching 



Since the 2000 Handbook doesn't even MENTION voltage baluns, I must 
assume they have fallen out of favor with the Handbook editors.

Type B and C are both labelled current baluns, but it seems to me that 
Type A and B have more in common. Type A is sort of an auto transformer. 
Think of it as a single winding with taps at 1/3 and 2/3 of the winding. 
You apply the ground to the 2/3 tap, and excite the start of the winding. 
You then connect the antenna to the 1/3 tap and the end. Both the input 
and output cover 2/3 of the windings -- hence the 1:1 transformation 
ratio. The output is balanced because there's a ground connection in the 
middle of the 1/3 tap and end tap.

Type B works differently. Since the windings are separate and in series 
with the connections, only differential currents are allowed to flow. 
Common-mode currents would be opposed.

However, in both Type A and B, the core is excited by the current in the 
feed. Type A fully excites the core with all the energy transmitted to 
the antenna. With Type B, the core excitation may only be partial, 
depending on the feedpoint impendance and the inductor reactance. In 
either case, you'd need to size the core with respect to the feedline 

Type C and D baluns, however, can expect little or no feedpoint current 
to excite the core. In either case, common-mode currents flowing on the 
sheild are inhibited by the inductive reactance of the core. Differential 
currents flowing on the INSIDE of the sheild should not excite the core 
at all. This would mean that the core only needs to be sized according to 
the expected magnitude of the common-mode currents.

The fundamental operation of Type C and D baluns involves the choking 
reactance of the inductor. For Type C, this reactance is proportional to 
the number and type of beads used. For lower frequencies, more beads need 
to be added.

Type D baluns, however, can increase their reactance by increasing the 
number of turns. Since the reactance increases with the square of the 
number of turns, a few turns can make a lot of difference. A wide range 
of choking reactances could be accomodated with a single core.

Type B and D baluns have upper frequency limits, due to capacitive 
coupling of the turns. At some frequency, the inductor becomes 
series-resonant. Long before this point, the capacitive coupling tends to 
decrease the inductive reactance. More windings lowers the 
series-resonant frequency. So, having too many windings can be worse than 
having much fewer, depending on the operating frequency.



0) Any fault in the discussion above?

1) Are voltage baluns so bad that the ARRL handbook editors wrote them 

2) Given the Type D's ability to balance over wide range of frequencies, 
why does no one appear to have a kit for this type of balun? (Or should I 
just e-mail Press and see if he'll create one?)

3) The typical rule of thumb for a Type C or D balun is the inductor 
should have at least 10x the reactance of the antenna impedance. (eg 500 
ohms reactance for a 50 ohm feedpoint impedance) While it is easy enough 
to compute the reactance of a wire through a bead, or a few turns on a 
core, how does one compute the net capacitance of the windings in a Type 
D balun? How can we predict the series-resonant frequency?

4) For Type C or D, how does one select the material and size of the 
core? Naturally the material depends on the desired reactance, but also 
on the amount of current exciting the core. Core size is also predicated 
on practical considerations (eg how tightly can we wind coax), but also 
on the magnitude of the current. How do we predict or estimate that 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
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            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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