[TowerTalk] Phillystran
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:38:50 EDT
In a message dated 8/7/01 8:33:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, n0tt1@juno.com
> > I have a question. I noted that Texas Towers has
> > several "strengths" of Phil1ystran. How do you gauge
> > what you need? I have a 50' Aluma tower which will
> > have a relatively light quad. Is 1200# enough? Any
> > help will be appreciated!
There isn't a single tower in the world that uses 1200# guys. The
smallest tower manufacturer specified size is 3/16" EHS (Extra High Strength)
ONLY - not SS aircraft cable, not any other grade.
You should get a Rohn catalog for your tower library. While your specific
tower may not be mentioned, you can make educated inferences from their
specs. They're available from <A HREF="http://www.championradio.com">
Is this Aluma tower a guyed tower? I thought they made self-supporting
types. If so, a self-supporting tower is designed to be installed with NO
guys. Please follow the LXC Prime Directive: "DO what the manufacturer says".
> Use the same breaking strength as the cable you should
> use, such as 4000 lbs for 3/16" EHS. Be sure to tension
> the guys equally and "to specs"...as I remember it that's
> 10% or 400 lbs in this case. Use guy anchors recommended
> by the manufacturer. The right way to tension tower
> guys is with a cable tensiometer calibrated for the
> cable size you are using. I like to use the "clamp on"
> type.
The Loos cable tensioner is the only practical thing to use. It's also
available from Champion Radio Products.
> Be sure to order the right terminating hardware, like
> "baskets" and the special potting compound for the
> Phil1ystran. If baskets are used, build a wooden
> "jig" to hold the baskets while you pour in the
> potting compound....it *can* be a mess!
ERRRRRR. The potting terminations are for old, original Phillystran ONLY.
(You can recognize it by it's stiffer jacket.) The current generation of
Phillystran (which has been around for 6-8 years) uses specially designed
Preformed grips ONLY.
> Do not use the Phil1ystran near ground level...the
> stuff will burn/melt if you have a grass fire. Best to
> keep it out of reach....can be cut with a knife too.
True. Use 10-15 feet of EHS from the end of the Phillystran to the
turnbuckle. Then you can use the Loos on the EHS to measure the guy tension
since it won't work on the Phillystran directly.
> Tower and antenna weight has little to do when it comes
> to guying...it's the wind loading that matters the most.
> Follow the manufactures instructions regarding wind
> loading, etc. Remember that the wind loading tension
> on the guys are transferred to the tower base by the tower
> along with the weight of the tower system. Use a proper base.
In all things, follow the LXC Prime Directive and you'll have a safe,
reliable installation.
Cheers & GL, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech
Champion Radio Products
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