FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:54:21 -0600
While Elmering a friend operating out of a apartment I was explaining a
gamma match.
And I had a thought.
And that's dangerous....
but could I use my old tube/center conductor gamma matching system that I
used on my triband quad for my new 160, loading the tower, antenna?
60 foot tower with 7 el yagi on the top.
Instead of using big bread slicers at the gamma caps, could I use a aluminum
tube and slide the coax center conductor into the tube to form the cap?
As I'm a pretty good builder, but weak at math and theory, I have no idea
how long the tube and piece of coax would be.
As I remember my quad, it had a tube about 30 inches for 20 meters and the
coax was maybe 40 inches with a portion slid into the tube and the rest
reaching out to the connection point on the quad loop.
Back then I determined the dimensions by trial and error.
I'm thinking that this could be a much neater and easier to adjust system if
the diameters and lengths were practical.
What do you guys think.
I'm a retired firefighter so I can take the heat. ;-)))
You need a Lifestyle change if: The Salvation Army declines your mattress.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
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