[TowerTalk] 4 square

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr@k3lr.com
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 00:21:20 -0600

Hi Rick:

I have a similar set up at my station now. I use modified HyGain self
supporting, base insulated HyTowers for the elements. They were modified to be
single band 80 verticals and are now 75 feet tall so they are individually
resonant at 3.500 MHz for use in my array where the minimum dump load power (0
watts) is at 3.650MHz. I have 40,000 feet of radials under the elements and all
of the elements are bonded using 3 inch copper strap between them.

I tested the DX Engineering box a few years ago on the HP network analyzer and
the phase/ current measurement were not close to what is optimum for best
performance. I also measured significant losses with the DX Engineering box
because they did not pay attention to keeping all of the components stable for
a 50 ohm system (The torriod windings were 85 ohms!). The DXEngineering box
will work OK, but there are better solutions.  The Comtek Systems box is right
on the money and is the unit I have used (and other multi multi stations) since
1992. I made several modifications to my Comtek box which improved its
performance. Comtek has incorporated these changes in their production units.
The front to back and front to side performance holds extremely well over both
the CW and SSB sections with no changes to the elements between modes.

Good Luck with your project!
Tim K3LR

Rick Dougherty wrote:

> Just aquired a 4 square that consists of rohn 20 tower and a DX-Engineering
> controller...anyone else out there in
> antenna land with one of these units and how does it work etc....plan on
> using it in our multi-multi station...it will feed
> the mult station on 80m....thanks and Happy Holidyas...de Rick nq4i
> AN Wireless Self Supporting Towers are now available!  Windloading tables,
> foundation diagrams and charts, along with full details are now at the
> AN Wireless Web site:  http://www.ANWireless.com
> -----
> FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/towertalk
> Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  towertalk-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-towertalk@contesting.com

AN Wireless Self Supporting Towers are now available!  Windloading tables,
foundation diagrams and charts, along with full details are now at the
AN Wireless Web site:  http://www.ANWireless.com

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/towertalk
Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  towertalk-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-towertalk@contesting.com