[TowerTalk] Re: VE3BMV Razor beams

Jan.E.Holm@telia.se Jan.E.Holm@telia.se
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 08:16:41 +0100

      Yes but 20 dB better then a 5 el Telerex Yagi, get real!

      de Jim SM2EKM

      PS: Back in the early seventies competition was a far 
      cry from what it is today.
      In Sweden there where hardly no big antennas, just 3
      banders. In 1973 I put up a 6 el 20 Yagi on 55 ft boom 
      and that thing was a big thing back then, you had to go
      600 miles to the south in Sweden to find something of
      equal size, down to SM5BLA since he had some bigger
      antennas, however BLA always cllaimed to have very
      tall towers but instead they where about half as high as
      he claimed, makes me think about the razor claim.
      Also people runing 500 - 1000W was considered runing
      high power, these days runing high power means 5 - 10
      kW. As one did sing once "times are a changeing", so
      belive me competition was no nothing back then compared
      to whats going on these days

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från:	thompson@mindspring.com [SMTP:thompson@mindspring.com]
Skickat:	 den 9 februari 2001 07:29
Till:	towertalk@contesting.com
Ämne:	[TowerTalk] VE3BMV Razor beams

I can only speak from seeing the results of the K3BU(VE3BMV) Razor 
Yuri blew away the competition
on the single band he selected to compete in the CQ WW 20 years ago.   
razor beam is a Quagi on a long boom.
Yuri put these up special for the contest.   I can attest to the 
involved as in 1970 CQ WPX SSB I used a 7 el 10 meter beam
from the first issue of Ham radio magazine.  With the beam at 70' I was 
only stateside signal into Northern EU for hours on end
(quoting SM5BLA).  I put the beam up just for the contest...and its work
especially if doing alone as Yuri did.

I'll bet his razor beams (Quagi) had outstanding gain for the boom 

73 Dave K4JRB

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