[TowerTalk] Orion rotator reed switch failures

Larry Alkoff Larry Alkoff" <labradley@mindspring.com
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 20:01:59 -0600

My M2 Orion rotator reed switch has failed for the second time in 6 months
during a lightning storm that did no other damage.

Each failure requires climbing to the top of 120 foot tower, dismounting rotator
to replace reed switch, then re-installing rotator.

This is really getting old,  especially since it likes to happen the day
before a major contest!  The good news is I have Africa covered <g>

I have two questions.

1.  Does anyone have any thoughts on "protecting" the reed switch?
     Can it be zapped back to life?
     Note:  The rotator power and control cables are protected
                by Polyphaser devices both at the bottom of the tower and the shack.

2.  What other make of  rotator could replace the Orion to turn a stacked C31XR and Cushcraft XM-204?

73 Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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